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Visit Our Centre

EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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no 1113963
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interesting places

Here are some random sample locations of interest in Essex. Also take a look at sites shown on our sites map, geology site map and brownfield site map, with the site account and locate site facility.

locate Backwarden, Danbury
An important part of the Danbury ridge with small surviving heather areas and associated invertebrates.

locate Hales Wood
Hales Wood is an ancient, coppice-with-standards wood situated on the Chalky Boulder Clay of north-west Essex. It supports a rich assemblage of plants and animals, including the Oxlip.

locate Copley Plain, Epping Forest
Copley Plain is a sloping, open area of Bracken, Heather and grasses surrounded by ancient Beech wood-pasture

locate Jills field
Area is a narrow triangle, above the A13. It has original Thames Terraces sandy soil, never been much disturbed. It is mostly open ground, with scrub Birch encroaching. On the cutting bank of the A13 is a geological exposure that is a SSSI. However, this does not protect the field on top.

locate Star Lane Brick Pits, Great Wakering
Old brick pits with rare invertebrates recorded.

locate Writtle Forest
Forest of Writtle : dates back to 13th century. A mixture of ancient woodland, commonland and farmland with associated features such as Rivers, Lakes and Ponds. Woodland areas are centred on Highwood parish but outlying areas in Ingatestone, Writtle, Margaretting and Roxwell parishes are included.

locate Chafford Hundred Sand Martin Cliff
Sand cliff and adjacent flower rich grassland

locate Alsa Sand Pit
A disused sand pit with an important invertebrate fauna, including a parasitic fly known from nowhere else in Britain.